Work Environment Policy

In our work, we aim to prevent pollution by, for example, optimizing the combustion of ship engines and industrial processes during servicing and maintenance. We are aware of our health and safety responsibilities and monitor these responsibilities so that we comply with regulations and applicable standards by a good margin.

The working environment in OFAB should not expose employees to ill health or accidents, and the working environment in our workplace should be good, taking into account the nature of the work. A pleasant and desirable working environment is an environment that is so good that every employee enjoys and develops in their work. It is also an environment that involves an absence of risk.

Therefore, an honest and open attitude should prevail in the workplace, and all employees should be given the opportunity to influence their own work situation. We see a good and pleasant working environment as one of the prerequisites for us to be productive and competitive, as well as having greater opportunities to recruit new qualified employees. Managers and supervisors are responsible for those health and safety and external environmental issues that are directly affected by the various decisions they make.

They are responsible for creating, within their powers, the best possible working and external environment, and the immediate superior must be informed when their powers are insufficient. Each employee must also demonstrate personal responsibility for health and the environment in their day-to-day work, as it is up to each of them to be aware of and immediately report any risks or threats to a good working environment and to the external environment.

Each employee’s responsibility also includes following the instructions and procedures established for health and safety reasons. In the case of new investments, new or rebuilt buildings or other changes in operations, health and safety and environmental issues must be discussed, the risks examined and the consequences assessed in collaboration with the employees.

In this way, measures can and should then be taken to prevent negative effects as far as possible and minimize risks to the working environment and the external environment. Some health and safety problems may be of such a nature that technical, medical or psychosocial expertise needs to be called upon, in which case the necessary measures should be taken as far as possible.

Henån 2019-01-01 Christian Bengtsson and Simon Andreasson Management